County Londonderry BACK

Factual Summary
Province Ulster (United Kingdom part)
Area 2,074 kmē (801 milesē) (15th)
Population 214,800 (5th)
County Town Derry city
Irish name and origin "Doire". St Colmcille first named the area when he set up a monastry in an Oak grove at the site, calling it "Doire Colmcille" ("Colmcille's Oak Grove"). When English settlers arrived much later they founded a city near the ruins of the monastry and named it "London Doire", using part of the local name and the name of their own home town. This is anglicised as "Londonderry". When the counties were set up, county Londonderry was named after the city. Today the anglicised version of Doire ("Derry") is often used as an abbreviation.
Towns > 4000 Derry (72,334), Coleraine (20,721), Limavady (10,350), Magherafelt (6682), Portstewart (6459), Portrush (5598).
Borders Antrim, Donegal, Tyrone
County Londonderry: Map [13kB]