Transforming the City Centre Ring Road, Belfast


Construction scheme (future)
To reduce the scale of the northern part of Belfast's Inner Ring Road in order to reduce severance.
Total Length

Publicised as part of "Belfast on the Move" scheme - 30 Sep 2010
No plans to proceed in near future - as of June 2012

See below
See Also
Official web site for Belfast On the Move - DRD
Belfast Rapid Transit System - on this site
1. Streets Ahead Enabling Measures Phase 1 - on this site
2. Sustainable Transport Enabling Measures - on this site
3. Rapid Transit Enabling Measures - on this site
4. City Centre Ring Road Southern Section - on this site
5. Streets Ahead Enabling Measures Phase 2 - on this site

Belfast is currently undertaking a long-term scheme to redirect general traffic flows out of Belfast city centre, in order to permit a greater role for buses, rapid transit, pedestrians and cycling. Called Belfast on the Move, the work is being carried out in six phases, of which this scheme is the last (Phase 1 was completed in 2011 - see links above):
  1. Streets Ahead Enabling Measures Phase 1
  2. Sustainable Transport Enabling Measures (STEM)
  3. Rapid Transit Enabling Measures
  4. City Centre Ring Road Southern Section
  5. Streets Ahead Enabling Measures Phase 2
  6. Transforming the City Centre Ring Road
The Belfast Inner Ring road was originally proposed in the 1960s. The northern section (consisting of College Avenue, Millfield, Carrick Hill, Frederick Street and Dunbar Link) was constructed during the 1970s and 1980s. The southern section, where land acquisition was a major problem, was never built. It is now acknowledged that while the northern section is highly function, it has had a very bad severance impact on the city centre. The scale of the road can be seen in aerial shots. This is Dunbar Link:

The Dept for Regional Development wants to reduce this effect by reducing the scale of the road to make it less dominant. The DRD Minister outlined in June 2012 how this will be achieved: "My Department will endeavour to reduce the scale of the roads system in the northern section of the city centre ring, including Millfield, Frederick Street and the Dunbar Link, such that it is more appropriate to the streetscape and does not form a barrier between the core of the city and surrounding residential areas." The phrase that the DRD is using to describe the transformed road is "boulevard", often interpreted to mean a road with trees down the centre and two lanes on either side. For the scheme to work, the zones of derelict land on either side of the ring road would also need to be developed, something which would require significant private sector involvement.

Map of how the transformed Inner Ring could look (viewed from north with Clifton Street junction at very bottom). Areas that could be released for property development are shown in yellow. [DRD image from here].


26 Jun 2012: At this point the scheme is being publicised on the DRD web site, and the Minister yesterday talked about it in the Assembly yesterday. However, as the last of the six elements of "Belfast on the Move", it could be some years yet before it is implemented.