Armagh Road to Tandragee Road Link (Mahon Road Link) Portadown


Construction scheme (proposed)
To construct a link road between A3 Armagh Road and Tandragee Road, via A27 Mahon Road.
Total Length
1.5 km / 0.9 miles

2004 - Included in Craigavon Area Plan 2010

2007 - Scheme included in Sub-Regional Transportation Plan
No plans to proceed as of 2014

See below.
See Also

General area map - Google Maps

The Mahon Road Link is a long-term road proposal designed to connect the A3 Armagh Road and the Tandragee Road without needing to go into the centre of the town, by following an east-west route via Mahon Road. This is shown in the map below in red and blue:

The route of the proposed road is listed as "protected" in the Craigavon Area Plan 2010 (adopted 2004). In this document it says that this scheme is "...not yet programmed for implementation, however, the Department considers that [its route] should be protected in the interests of longer term strategic planning". So this means that the scheme is NOT a developer-led scheme, ie it's not going to be provided by private developers as part of some housing development. It means that if it ever gets built, it will be by the government. At the time of writing (2014) the DRD - who would be the ones to build such a road- has no plans to proceed. However, the DRD did included the scheme in their own Sub-Regional Transportation Plan 2015 which was adopted in 2007 and sets out local road schemes they would like to build. This means that it is, at least, on the DRD's radar. Some other road schemes appear in Area Plans but not in the SRTP. Such schemes are even less likely to happen than those that at least make it into the SRTP.

This road scheme does not seem to date as far back as the Craigavon New City Plan in the 1960s as it does not appear in design schematics of the New City.

Despite it not being a developer-funded scheme, two parts of the road HAVE already been built, presumably because it suits people developing lands to provide part of the road to give access to their own lands. These are shown in blue in the map above. The first is part of Mahon Industrial Estate while the other is the first few hundred yards of a private development called The Olde Golf Links. The other chunks are visible from the air as land protection corridors, but have not been built (as of 2014).

