Construction scheme
(current) |
construct two service areas on opposite
carriageways of the M2 motorway at
Brown's Road, near Ballycraigy, between
j4 Sandyknowes and j5 Templepatrick. |
n/a |
Aug 1999 - Plans
originally submitted but not progressed
to construction
May 2011 - Planning permission granted
Nov 2013 - Revised
planning applications submitted
Mar 2014 - Planning
permission granted
Apr 2014 - Work begins clearing the site
of the northbound service area
c10 July 2014 - Work
begins on sliproads for northbound
service area
8 Apr 2015 -
Northbound service area opened
Mar 2019 - Work begins
on southbound service area
£6.25m for northbound
service area - private development by
Petrogas Ltd
Total cost of the M1 and M2 service
areas together is £25m.
See below |
area map - Google Maps
See also specific map
This plan will see a private company construct
twin services areas on the M2 motorway between
Newtownabbey and Templepatrick. They will
include petrol and restaurant facilities
accessed directly from the motorway, with no
access to the local road network. As there will
be no bridge over the M2, the two service areas
will be independent, each duplicating the
services of the other (although the westbound
one is slightly larger as it is expected to be
more popular). The chosen location makes sense
as it is the first rural portion of the M2 out
of Belfast, yet sited close enough to the city
to attract traffic from both the A6 (Derry) and
A26 (Coleraine) directions.
I don't normally list private developments on
this site - it is included because it has such a
high-profile impact on the M2 motorway.
The service areas is likely to be branded
"Applegreen", similar to those the company owns
in the Republic of Ireland. The developer
estimates that the northbound service area will
attract 2100 vehicles per day and vehicles the
southbound one 1400 per day (according to the
2013 planning application). This makes these
service areas a good bit smaller than the
corresponding service areas being constructed on
the M1 between Belfast and Lisburn.
The map below shows the proposed locations of
the northbound (blue) and southbound (red)
service areas. You can see the detailed site
plans by clicking here
(southbound) and here
View M2
Service Areas, Ballycraigy in a larger
Planning Permission Timeline
- 7 Aug 1999 - Planning application submitted
for northbound
and southbound
service areas
- 4 May 2011 - Planning permission finally
approved for both service areas after 12 years
- 18 Nov 2013 - Revised planning applications
submitted (for northbound
and southbound
service areas).
- 14 Mar 2014 - Planning permission approved
for northbound
service area.
- 31 Mar 2014 - Planning permission approved
for southbound
service area.
24 Mar 2019: Almost four years after
the opening of the northbound M2 service area,
we are still awaiting provision of the
southbound one. Eagle-eyed site visitor "Andrew
H" emailed me to report that diggers were on the
site last week and that additional steelwork has
now appeared. This may be related to the fact
that planning permission would have been
withdrawn in a week's time if work had not begun
(it has been given a "temporary permission
expiry date" of 30 March 2019, five years after
permission was granted). Whether the owners will
carry out just enough work to secure planning
permision does not expire, or if we are going to
see the site actually completed, remains to be
seen. Applegreen originally planned to open four
motorway service areas in Northern Ireland - two
on the M1 and two on the M2. Both the former and
one of the latter have opened already. The M2
southbound service area is the last, and also
the smallest, of the four. With thanks to Andrew
H for information on this.
27 Dec 2016: With work on the second M1
service area near Lisburn nearing completion,
this update is simply to report that as of today
there is no evidence of any work taking place on
the site of the eastbound M2 service area. Last
year (see previous update) we had thought that
it would be open before the end of 2016, but
that clearly isn't going to happen. Since
experience of these service areas suggests it
takes about a year from breaking ground to
opening, the earliest we could now expect this
service area to be open would be late 2017. The
westbound M2 service area has how been open for
over 20 months and seems to be doing very well
judging by the level of activity any time I've
dropped in.
9 Nov 2015: The Belfast Telegraph did
a piece on the M1 and M2 service areas
about eight weeks ago. It notes that the
northbound service area - which opened in April
- has been so successful, that the staff levels
have been increased from 75 to 120. Area manager
Matthew Scally reveals in the article that the
northbound service area cost £6.25m and is
quoted as saying that "Applegreen on the
westbound carriageway of the M1 at Lisburn
will be open by the end of January next year
and the other two [on
the M2 and M1] are on schedule for the end of
2016". Work has not yet commenced on the
southbound M2 service area, but this quote
suggests that work will get underway during 2016
with completion due before the end of 2016.
Meanwhile, the signage on the M2 motorway itself
now includes an illuminated fuel price display
system (before now the signage had a space for
fuel prices but it was blank). This appears to
have required a change to DRD policy, and has
caused some controversy
(note that the article has a picture of the
updated signage).
5 Jul 2015: A representative of
Applegreen was in touch with me in mid June, but
for family reasons I've only just had a chance
to update the site tonight. He confirmed that
the works evident on the southbound
(Belfast-bound) carriageway related to motorway
communications and are NOT works on the
southbound service area. He also said that there
was currently no timescale for construction of
the southbound service area.
8 May 2015: Today I had my first visit
to the northbound service area, and it was very
pleasant. The facilities were excellent and the
place was so packed with customers that it was
hard to find a parking space. Some people
appeared to have come to the facility as a trip
to enjoy the various food outlets, rather than
just calling in "on the way past". So far it
seems to have been a huge success. Applegreen
have now confirmed, and signage on the M2 also
confirms, that the site is called "Templepatrick
Motorway Service Area". I think we also
need to pause and reflect that this is the first
motorway service area ever in Northern Ireland,
and no matter what others open in the future,
this one will always hold that place in history.
I'm also going to backtrack on my comment in the
previous update that work on the southbound
service area had started. While there is
evidence of work on the verge of the opposite
carriageway, this appears to be limited to the
M2 itself and appears to involve services, so
it's not 100% whether it's related to the
service area or is just coincidentally located
at that spot. The months ahead will hopefully
clear this up. Anyhow, some photos:

Pic 1: The offslip from the M2 into the service
area seen on 8 May 2015 including another
example of Northern Ireland's old favourite -
the flashing red beacons to back up the No Entry
sign. [Wesley Johnston]

Pic 2: As you arrive at the service area you are
greeted with this sign adverting the six choices
of eating establishment, as well as the price of
fuel. The advance sign further back on the M2
itself also has a place for fuel prices, but
it's not clear how these will be displayed as
there are no red lights like here. they are
currently blank. 8 May 2015. [Wesley Johnston]

Pic 3: Upon arrival at the top of the offslip
you arrive at the fuel station. The car park is
beside and beyond the building. 8 May 2015.
[Wesley Johnston]

Pic 4: Going on to the car park, and looking
back, this is the other side of the terminal
building. 8 May 2015 [Wesley Johnston]

Pic 5: Once your fuel tank and stomach are full,
this is the onslip back on to the M2 seen on 8
May 2015. Interestingly the sign indicating the
start of motorway restrictions is located half
way down the offslip, so it would be legal to
walk as far as the sign (although I didn't).
[Wesley Johnston]
11 Apr 2015: The northbound service area
to the public on Wednesday, 8 April. While
great news in itself, it is also the first
motorway service area in Northern Ireland.
Since then reviews in the media and on social
media have been universally positive, with
particular mention to the surprisingly low fuel
prices (110p per litre for unleaded on 10 April
noted by @Bedhead1158).
I have not been able to get any photos that I
have permission to share here, but there is a
wonderful set of images here.
As well as selling fuel, it also offers a Burger
King, Subway, Chopstix, The Bakewell, Lavazza
and (soon) a Greggs bakery. It has two floors
with seating both on the ground and first
floors. Preliminary work on the southbound
service area on the other side of the M2 appears
to be underway. It's not yet clear if the
service areas will have a proper name, like
Applegreen's services in the Republic of
Ireland, but "Templepatrick Services" is a
11 Mar 2015: According to some keen
observers reporting their observations on SABRE,
the site of the southbound service area
(ie, the site opposite the one currently under
construction on the northbound carriageway) was
marked out at the weekend, and cones placed on
the southbound M2. This is very likely to be
work commencing on the site clearance and/or the
sliproads for the southbound service area. If
true, this is good news. The northbound service
area now looks very advanced indeed and an
opening before the end of March as anticipated
last summer seems at least plausible. Signage
indicating the start/end of motorway
restrictions have appeared recently on the
access sliproads.
7 Feb 2015: Work has progressed very
well on the northbound service area (for traffic
heading FROM Belfast), much more rapidly than
the equivalent scheme on the M1. The two
sliproads (offslip and onslip) were completed in
December 2014 and the temporary speed limit
removed on the motorway. Construction of the
main building appears to be complete externally,
with work underway to fit it out internally.
However, it still looks as if there is quite a
bit of work to be done on the rest of the site,
eg in terms of earthworks, landscaping and
construction of car parking. When the project
began in June it was announced that it would
open in March 2015, which now seems a bit
optimistic, but it does look as if it could be
open before the summer. There is no sign of work
on the southbound service area which will
eventually be built opposite this one for
traffic heading TO Belfast. With thanks to
'Jonathan24' for observations on the scheme.
16 Jul 2014: The DRD have issued
a notice that "works are being executed"
on the northbound M2 at this location, beginning
10th July 2014 and ending on 13th November 2014.
This can only refer to the construction of the
offslip and onslip for the northbound service
area, on which site clearance work has been
underway since April. Whether or not work
actually began during the Twelfth weekend I am
not sure, but if not it is likely to begin
imminently. Unlike the M1 service areas, the
sites for which can only be accessed from the
M1, construction vehicles can use the local road
network to access the M2 service areas, meaning
that work on the sliproads and work on the
service areas themselves can take place
simultaneously, which means that the scheduled
opening date for this service area of March 2015
seems quite plausible.
19 Jun 2014: It has now been confirmed
in the media that these service areas will be
branded "Applegreen". The M2 one is due to open
in March 2015. It's not clear from the news
report whether this refers to the northbound
service area only, on which work began in April,
or both of them. The total cost of the M1 and M2
service areas together is £25m.
19 May 2014: Work started around April
2014 on clearing the site for the northbound
service area. As far as I can tell, no work has
taken place on the motorway itself, unlike the
M1 service area which began with the sliproads
being built. There are two possible reasons for
this. Firstly, unlike on the M1, this site on
the M2 can be accessed from the local road
network, negating the need for provision of the
sliproads to facilitate construction. Secondly,
I can't find any evidence that the DRD has
created the necessary legal orders to create
sliproads onto the M2. The M1 service area is
permitted by this
legal order, but I can find no equivalent
as yet for the M2. It's not clear whether the
work that is currently ongoing is just one-off
site clearance work, or whether it is the start
of more substantial works that would see the
service area completed and opened. We shall have
to wait and see.