Northern Ireland Government Links

NOTE: Roads in Northern Ireland are managed by DFI Roads (formerly Roads Service), which is an agency within the Department for Infrastructure (DFI) which is itself under the authority of the devolved Northern Ireland Executive.

Northern Ireland Assembly

The Assembly ultimately decides road policy in NI. Good links to check out are:
Questions for Written Answer - these are questions asked of ministers by other Assembly Members and are often very local in nature. They are normally answered weekly. Look under "Regional Development" in each set for any roads-related questions.
Official Record (Hansard) - these are transcripts of debates. Each debate gives a list of topics discussed at the start, so you can check for topics of interest without having to read the whole thing.

Department for Infrastructure
The department responsible for planning, transportation, road safety and water. See particularly:
Road Improvements - Gives details of all current and forthcoming road building schemes in Northern Ireland.
TrafficWatch NI - Run by DFI ROads, gives up to the minute information on traffic jams and accidents across Northern Ireland, and in particular the greater Belfast area.
Press Releases - All press releases issued by the DFI, many of which are roads-related.
Publications - Hundreds of documents made available under the Freedom of Information Act.

Northern Ireland Planning Service - Development Plans

Regional area plans for Northern Ireland, usually in PDF format, giving policy frameworks for the next ten years for roads, housing, public transport and all other land use policies.

Other Roads-Related Web Sites

SABRE (Society for All British and Irish Road Enthusiasts)

Portal site linking road enthusiasts across the UK, Ireland and further afield for sharing knowledge and roads-related chat. If you are interested in roads, then this is place for you!

CBRD (Chris's British Road Directory)

Fabulous site on all UK motorways and major A-class roads. Also includes future schemes, histories and futures. Provided the inspiration for this site. - Roads

This parts of the discussion forum allows users to discuss and share information on all aspects of road infrastructure in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Irish Motorway Info

Similar to this web site, except covering the Republic of Ireland. An excellent hobby web site giving details of motorways in the Republic of Ireland - both those constructed in the past, those under construction now, and plans for the future.

UK Motorway Archive

History of motorways across the UK, including some very detailed pages on Northern Ireland. Much of the history on this site was sourced here.

Pathetic Motorways

Dedicated to those less-than-impressive motorways around the UK, including our very own A8(M)!

Drive Smart Northern Ireland
Guide to traffic rules and safe driving specifically for Northern Ireland.

Other Interesting Web Sites

Future Belfast

Similar idea to this web site, but Future Belfast contains details of all manner of new buildings and construction projects underway or being planned for Belfast. Kept impressively up-to-date.