scheme (future) |
construct a combined foot and cycle
bridge across the River Lagan from the
Gasworks site (near Cromac Street) to
Ormeau Embankment. |
Bridge length
approx 150m |
1969 - Road bridge
proposed at this location
1987 - Laganside
Corporation proposes a footbridge at the
2004 - Doran’s Gasworks Footbridge
Feasibility Report published
Jun 2013 - DRD
announces a new feasibility study
Jan 2014 - Public exhibition of nine
17 Apr 2014 - Feasibility report selects
three options for further study
7 Jan 2015 - Preferred
option announced
28 & 29 Jan 2015 -
Public exhibition of preferred option
28 May 2015 - Planning
application submitted
15 Apr 2016 - Planning
permission granted
4 Jun 2024 - Weny out
to tender (changed from 'during'
2023 as of Aug 2023; Mar 2021 as of
Dec 2020; Sep 2020 as of Dec 2019; Nov
2015 as of Sep 2015; itself changed
from Sep 2015 as of Jul 2015)
Late 2024/Early 2025 - Tender award
During 2025 - Construction to begin (as
of Feb 2024)
Construction to take 24 months (as of
June 2024) so completion by early 2027
£24m (as of Feb
2024) – changed from £12.9m as of
Dec 2020; £7–9m as of
Jan 2015; and £5.4-9.6m as of Apr
£12.1m to be funded from the Belfast
Region City Deal
area map - Google Maps
page on scheme - DFI
Bridge, Derry - on this site
(similar structure)
background - NI Greenways' Blog
Click here to jump
straight down to updates for this scheme.
The idea of building
a bridge over the Lagan from the former Gasworks
site off Cromac Street, Belfast to Ormeau
Embankment is not a new one. A major road bridge
was proposed for the route in the 1969 "Belfast
Transportation Plan". A less ambitious road
bridge sited a little to the north survived in
the scaled-back 1978 "Review of Transportation
Strategy". This scheme even remained in the 1990
"Belfast Urban Area Plan 2001", albeit marked as
"subject to review". None of these road bridges
ever materialised, but the former road
protection corridor on the west bank remains
undeveloped at the time of writing (Jan
2015). In 1987 the group that would become
Laganside Corporation proposed a footbridge on
the route in their initial masterplan, and in
2004 they carried out a feasibility study and
the scheme is mentioned as a possibility in the
2004 Belfast Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
In 2005 Steven Patterson from sustainable
transport charity Sustrans asked Belfast
City Council to support the scheme and after
2007, when Laganside was wound up, Belfast City
Council became one of the movers of the scheme
along with Sustrans and the Department for
Social Development. The current process began in
June 2013 when the Minister for Regional
Development (Danny Kennedy) announced a new
feasibility study as part his wider scaling-up
of the DRD's support for sustainable transport
(eg the establishment of a "Cycling Unit" in
autumn 2013).
A public exhibition
of nine preliminary options was held in January
2014, and in response to this two further
options were developed (3A and 10). Three
options (3A, 6 and 10) were taken forward for
further consideration in the Feasibility report
which was published in April 2014. These three
options are shown further down this page under
"Development of Options". They varied in cost
from £5.4m to £9.6m. In January 2015 Option 3A
was selected as the preferred design. This would
have meant a 140 metre long bridge with two
angled pylons built close to the banks and a
cable-stayed deck. By 2023 the design had
evolved further, and now consists of two
vertical, triangular pylons positioned further
into the river with a cable-stayed deck. The map
below shows the route of the bridge in red, and
the image below that shows an image of how it
could look:

Lagan Footbridge design, as of August 2023 [DFI
The chosen option
will require the removal of the existing "red
bridge" on the west bank (which no longer serves
a useful purpose anyway as the River Blackstaff
is culverted today). It will have a deck 5.0
metres wide and will carry two "lanes" - a
footway, and a separate cycleway. At the eastern
end there will be a Toucan crossing on Ormeau
Embankment and (presumably) a cycleway
connecting that to the rest of Ormeau Park to
the east. The total length is 141 metres and the
steel pylons will be 40 metres tall. This makes
it higher but shorter and cheaper than the Peace Bridge
in Derry which also carries pedestrians and
According to the
DRD's 2014 Feasibility Report, the purpose of
the bridge is fourfold:
- to improve access to facilities on both
sides of the river for local communities,
- help encourage more sustainable commuting,
- bring the ‘green’ area of Ormeau Park within
convenient walking distance of the city centre
- provide a new link across the River Lagan.
Why is this bridge on the Northern Ireland
Roads Site? I don't normally list footbridges
on this web site. I have decided to include
the Lagan Footbridge because (a) it is such a
high-profile and particularly iconic structure
and (b) because of its significant scale and
Development of Options
The three options
selected in April 2014 for further study were:
- Option 3A (a variant on Option 3 shown at
the exhibition) - a twin pylon cable stayed
bridge at a cost of £5.8m.
- Option 6 - a curved twin-span inclined
bowstring arch at a cost of £5.4m.
- Option 10 (a development of Option 3 shown
at the exhibition) - a twin pylon cable stayed
bridge extending into Ormeau Park at a cost of
5 Jul 2024: A quick update to note that
a geotechnical platform has appeared this past
week in the Lagan at the site of the bridge.
This is part of the site investigation works
that were announced
on 24 June by the DFI Minister. They do not mark
construction work getting underway - that is
still at the tender stage. Rather, these works
are to determine the exact ground conditions at
the site so that the final design can be drawn
up. For example, they will want to know what
material is down there, what its consistency is,
and how deep the bedrock is (hint: very deep at
this spot). So it is vital work and hence still
a very positive development to see it underway.
Construction is planned to commence in early
2025. Thanks to David Nevin for letting me use
his photo.

Platform operated by Causeway Geotech seen doing
preliminary site investigation works at the site
of the Lagan Bridge on 30 June [David Nevin].
19 Jun 2024: The construction tender for
the bridge finally went out
to tender on 4 June, slightly later than
anticipated, but only by a few days. This
implies that DFI are now happy that they will
have sufficient funding this year and in
subsequent years to build the bridge. The total
cost is currently estimated at £24m (the tender
document estimates £23m, the difference may be
in planning costs). Tenders close on 24 July
2024. Construction is estimated to last 24
months. Assuming 6-9 months for the whole
tendering process (and that's a guess on my
part) we could see the tender award either in
late 2024 or in early 2025 with the bridge then
being constructed between early 2025 and early
2027. So as of now we're probably less than
three years away from having the bridge in use.
17 Apr 2024: In the previous update
below I said that DFI had said that the
construction contract would be awarded by "end
2024/early 2025". This is supported by the
tender now appearing on DFI's own list of "future
tenders", with an estimated release date
of May 2024. This fits well, as tendering
normally takes about 6-9 months so we could
realistically see a tender award on that
timescale. So for this reason the DFI Minister
must be fairly confident that he can make up the
shortfall of funding that I highlighted in the
previous update, which is about £11m, needed to
make it happen. The money could, of course, come
in multiple years once it's been committed to
22 Mar 2024: A mixture of positive and
negative news for this scheme. DFI this week published
the "first day brief" that was given to the new
Minister last month. It confirmed that the
contract probably won't be awarded until 2025,
but it will not as late as June, as indicated in
the previous update. The brief states that "the
programme is on target for appointing a
contractor by end 2024/early 2025". It
also states that "A consultant was appointed
in October 2022 to complete the preliminary
design, prepare procurement documents and
manage the project delivery", something I
was not aware of this at the time. However, this
work has apparently resulted in a significant
cost increase due partly to construction
inflation but mainly to engineering challenges
that have only become apparent during detailed
design and site investigations. The new cost is
estimated as £24m, which is almost double the
cost estimate of £12.9m from 2020. This is a
large increase, and since the scheme only has
£12.1m of funding (from the Belfast Region City
Deal) it won't be able to move to construction
unless the Executive can find an additional
c£11m, so that is a challenge for the new
Minister. The project is going to be a
design-and-build contract which means that the
winning bidder will not only be building the
bridge, but will also be involved in finalising
the design. So even with funding, we may not see
work beginning immediately upon tender award.
The whole process of design and print is due to
take between 18 and 24 months. By that
timescale, and assuming funding, the earliest
that work would be completed is early 2027.
9 Feb 2024: Well, surprise surprise,
according to the ISNI
web site this scheme has now been pushed back
yet again. In late 2023 it was saying that
contract award would take place by June 2024,
but it is now saying this will not happen until
June 2025, with construction to take
about 21 months. This means it will be March
2027 at the earliest before the scheme is
completed. As a reminder, we have just passed
the tenth anniversary of DFI(DRD)'s first public
exhibition on the scheme. So it's a case of "as
you were" for another year. With £12.1m of the
cost due to come from the Belfast Region City
Deal, it's not clear if there is now a shortfall
in the cost as the last estimate of £12.9m dates
from three years ago and there has been a lot of
inflation since then. So it could be that
'someone' will need to find some extra cash if
the scheme is to happen. Thankfully the cost is
not massive as far as infrastructure goes. With
thanks to @John78938016 for spotting this
1 Dec 2023: DFI have just released a public
consultation on the Vesting Order for this
scheme. The Vesting Order is the legal order
that will legally transfer ownership of the land
needed to DFI. The Order hasn't been "made" yet;
this is a public consultation on the proposal to
"make" it. However as all the land required is
either owned by the Council or DFC and the rest
not registered at all, it shouldn't cause any
issues. The ISNI web
site is saying that the scheme is still out to
tender, with tenders closing by March 2024 and a
contract being appointed by June 2024 with
construction due to take two years. So, about
ten years after first being proposed, it does
look as if the scheme is still heading towards
construction next year!
18 Aug 2023: DFI Roads this week released
a document showing how the current roads
programme will be prioritised in the current
economic and legislative climate, where DFI is
now required to de-carbonise transport. This
scheme made the cut, mainly because it already
has funding but also because, since 2022, DFI is
now required by law to spend 10% of its budget
on active travel (walking and cycling). The ISNI
web site claims that the bridge is already out
to tender, though I can't see it on eTendersNI,
and DFI confirmed in their new document that a
contractor is expected to be appointed during
2024 (ISNI says by March 2024). Construction
would be likely to get underway very quickly
after the tender award, so with this timetable
we would see work begin before the end of 2024
and, with an approximate 24 month construction
period (previously estimated to be 18 months),
that would see the bridge open by the end of
2026. The only question is on cost. The cost of
£12.9m in 2020 prices, so is likely to have
risen since then. The Belfast Region City Deal
has provided £12.1m so there could be a funding
shortfall of £1-2m. This level of funding could
probably be covered by DFI, but would need
addressed. Finally, DFI released an image of the
current design (at the top of this page) which
is notably different from the design being
floated in 2015, prior to detailed design work.
The 2015 design (which is still the one shown on
the DFI
web site) was a cable-stayed bridge with
two triangular pylons positioned close to the
banks and angled inland to cope with the
majority of weight being taken on the river side
of each pylon. The new design shows the two
pylons located further into the river and
arranged vertically, with more equal weight
being taken on each side. This change was likely
informed by site investigation works and the
realities of the location.
29 Jun 2022: In the past 6 months the
schedule for construction of this project has
been put back by... 9 months, at least according
to the Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland
web site which is all we have to go on. The
project is now listed as being constructed
between September 2023 and June 2025. The
information on the ISNI web site does not seem
to reflect reality and is therefore of limited
usefulness. The only hope is that this scheme is
to be funded from the Belfast City Deal. So the
funding itself seems secure, it is just the
timing of the release of the funding that is
still uncertain.
16 Jan 2022: In my last update 13 months
ago I commented that DFI had split the project
into 2 phases, likely to prevent planning
permission from expiring, and phase 1
(construction of a toucan crossing) did indeed
take place during 2021, meaning that work on the
project has "commenced", and thus planning
permission will not expire. Nothing else has
happened. However, the Belfast Region City Deal
was signed
on 17 December 2021. This is significant because
this is the source of the funding for the Lagan
footbridge. While the timescale for the actual
release of the funds is still unclear, the
Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland web
site (which admittedly is quite whimsical)
anticipates the project going out to tender
during 2022 with construction to take place
between December 2022 and September 2024, a
period of 21 months. This timescale does seem
plausible to me, but we would need to see a
tender released early in 2022 to achieve it.
30 Dec 2020: DFI Roads recently set out
their priorities and bids for capital funding
for the 2021-22 financial year. This list
includes the Lagan Footbridge listed as
"pre-committed" (and curiously called "Ormeau
Park Pedestrian Bridge") with a total bid of
£7.268m. This is marked as "City Deal" money.
The cost of the scheme has risen significantly
since a price of £7-9m was last quoted in 2015.
The Investment
Strategy for Northern Ireland web site now
lists the construction contract as £12-15m
(which would not include planning costs). It's
not clear why the cost has gone up so
significantly, but this is quite a common
occurrence as infrastructure projects are
developed. However this does not seem to be a
problem as DFI recently stated that "Lagan
Bridge is fully developed", and that "Interim
Business Cases were submitted to BCRD [City
Deal] partners in August 2020 to help inform
prioritisation of BCRD projects and allocation
of funding. Delivery... will be dependent on
the outcome of this prioritisation exercise
and the availability of funding". So that
suggests that, even though we know the scheme
has got funding in principle, the timeframe is
still unclear as it depends what the BCRD
partners decide to prioritise. The ISNI web
site, for what it's worth, is anticipating that
the project will go out to tender in March 2021,
with a contractor to be appointed by June 2021
and work to begin straight away and last 18
months. The most pressing issue is that planning
permission for the scheme expires on 15
April 2021, so to avoid that happening some work
would need to take place by then. This may be
the reason for an application
made by DFI back in July (and granted two weeks
ago on 18 December 2020) to build the project in
two phases. Phase 1 would be construction of a
toucan crossing on Ormeau Embankment and phase 2
being the bridge. This phasing would allow DFI
to build the toucan crossing themselves before
15 April, thus "commencing" the project, and
hence planning permission would not expire.
27 Feb 2020: With Stormont now restored,
this scheme may finally be on the move again as
it means that the Belfast City Region Deal
(which is providing funding for this scheme) can
also be progressed. The new Infrastructure
Minister was asked about the scheme in a Written
Answer earlier this month and she said "Outline
Business Cases for all projects are to be
submitted by spring 2020 to allow Belfast
Region City Deal partners to consider
priorities and funding. The approval to
proceed with the Lagan Pedestrian and Cycle
Bridge and the budget to deliver it will also
be subject to Executive approval." So that
suggests that active work towards construction
is once again underway. The Investment Strategy
for Northern Ireland is still listing
the scheme as to go out to tender by September
2020 which now seems plausible. If that
happened, then work could get underway in the
second half of 2021 (though they'd need to do
something before that as planning permission
will otherwise expire in February 2021).
7 Jan 2020: Having languished for over
four years now with no clear construction
timeframe, the bridge is listed again on the
Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland web
site. This lists the tender as to be
released by September 2020, with construction to
take place between June 2021 and March 2022
(this is probably wrong, since nine months would
be very impressive for a project of this scale).
I would caution that ISNI dates are notoriously
unreliable - DFI seem to just bump them on by
six months every so often - but it does at least
show that it is on the agenda again. One to
watch. Note also that planning permission
expires in February next year (2021), so some
work would need to take place before then if it
is not to lapse.
1 May 2016: Sometime during the past
week the scheme has now been quietly removed
from the DRD's list
of "future tenders", having sat for about
six months with the date saying "to be
confirmed". As I said in the previous update
below, the scheme did not get a funding
allocation and I suspect this was not
anticipated by the scheme's planners. The fact
that it has been removed entirely from the
future tenders list suggests that there is now
little hope of it being put out to tender in the
near future. So another case of "watch this
space". I have therefore moved this scheme back
out of the list of "schemes likely get underway
within 12 months" and back into "schemes in
planning", as it now seems unlikely to get
underway in the near future.
2 Mar 2016: A mixture of good and bad
news about this scheme over the past few weeks.
The good news is that the bridge was granted
planning permission by Belfast City Council on
16 February (though oddly it doesn't report this
on the Planning
Portal web site). nigreenways
offers some more detailed analysis of this
planning meeting over on
In October last year I noted that the plan to
put the scheme out to tender in autumn 2015
mysteriously disappeared off the DRD web site in
October 2015 and the date for this has now
been given as "to be confirmed" for five
months. So the bad news is that we now know why
- the scheme has not been given a funding
allocation (or rather, the £600,000 it has been
given will only cover the design and legal
costs). The Belfast
Telegraph reports that the money need to
actually build it has not been allocated. A DRD
spokesperson is quoted as saying "As yet
capital funding has not been secured to
progress and consequently the timescales for
appointing a contractor cannot be established".
While this is true for all transport schemes,
the fact that a timescale *did* appear on the
DRD web site until October suggests that this
situation was unexpected to the scheme's
sponsors. So at the minute we really can't say
much more - the scheme will basically now be
parked until such times as funding is allocated.
This is unfortunate given its merits and that
its construction cost (£8m) is an almost
inconsequential sum when compared to schemes
like York Street Interchange (£125-165m) or the
A6 dualling scheme at Toome (£120-140m).
29 Oct 2015: Something strange has
happened to the timescale of this scheme, but I
have not been able to ascertain what.
Construction of the bridge had been due to go
out to tender in September, and then this was
pushed back to November. The DRD has now
published their most
recent procurement plan, and it lists this
scheme but the timescale is now given as "To Be
Confirmed", and no date of tender release is now
listed on the DRD web site. I don't know why the
timescale is suddenly so vague, but the
vagueness suggests some complication has arisen
for which a timescale is hard to estimate. The
procurement plan gives the construction cost as
£7.9m (though note that this is not the total
project cost, which also includes planning and
land acquisition) and a duration of 17 months.
14 Sep 2015: In July (see previous
update below) the DRD
web site was anticipating that the
construction tender would be released in
September 2015. This seems to have now been
pushed back to November 2015. Planning
permission (planning ref LA04/2015/0405/F)
has still not been granted, though as previously
noted a construction tender can still be
released ahead of this, on the understanding
that actual work can't take place until approval
is granted. If the tender was released in
November, then we could see a contractor
appointed perhaps in the spring or summer of
2016 - assuming that the money is available at
that time. Assuming a construction period of two
years (and it may not take that long) the bridge
could be in place and open by mid 2018, which is
still in line with my prediction in January (see
5 Jul 2015: The DRD submitted their
planning application on 28 May 2015 (planning
ref LA04/2015/0405/F),
following "pre-application" discussions which
have been taking place for some months, and
which are designed to avoid any obvious problems
being included in the planning application.
Because of the recent (from April) transfer of
planning powers to the local councils, this
application will be decided by Belfast City
Council. Meanwhile, the
DRD web site is saying that the scheme
could go out to tender in September this year
with an estimated construction cost of
approximately £8m. Note that this is the cost of
construction only - the overall project cost
also includes design costs and land acquisition.
It seems that this project is a high priority
within the DRD as it is being progressed very
rapidly compared to other transport schemes.
While planning permission may not have been
granted by September, this would not stop the
project going out to tender. Appointing a
contractor typically takes up to 9 months, so
this process could be ongoing while the scheme
navigates the planning process.
28 Jan 2015: A public exhibition was
held today in Shaftesbury Recreation Centre, and
another one will be held tomorrow (Thursday 29
January) in the Ozone Complex in Ormeau Park
from 11am-7pm. I do not know what exactly is on
display, but it is likely to be further
information about the preferred option which was
announced on 7 January. Meanwhile, the more
detailed Stage 2 documentation is now on the DRD
web site here,
which includes detailed blueprints
of the various proposed structures. There is
enough there to keep civil engineering junkies
occupied for some time!
11 Jan 2015: On 7 January the DRD
Minister announced
that of the three designs carried forward for
further consideration, Option 3A - the twin
pylon cable-stayed bridge - has been selected.
The cost given (a rather vague £7-9m) is a good
bit higher than the estimate of £5.8m for this
design that was given in the April 2014
feasibility study. But to be fair, the
feasibiltiy study did explicitly warn that it
was very difficult to estimate the cost of
schemes like this without the further work that
has now taken place. Some will be disappointed
that the design selected does not extend across
Ormeau Embankment into Ormeau Park (as in Option
10). Nevertheless, the Minister has said that
there will be a further public exhibition in
early 2015 (although no details have yet been
publicised) and possibly a planning application
could go in later in 2015. The feasibility study
estimates that, with a fair wind, the scheme
could be constructed within 30 months of the
decision to proceed. If, for the sake of
argument, such a decision was made at the end of
2015 the bridge could be completed by mid 2018.
This, of course, depends on funding. Initial
looks at the Stormont House Agreement made
around Christmas 2014 makes any capital
investment in the next few years look very
shakey indeed. But we should know more about
Stormont's finances going forward by the end of