Construction scheme
(future) |
provide either one or two roundabouts to
replace priority junctions at the busy
"Craigantlet Crossroads" to the
north-east of Belfast. |
c300 metres + 2
roundabouts OR c500 metres + 1
roundabout, depending on option chosen
Has been mooted for
many years
Planning application due to be submitted
"Autumn 2011"
Initial proposals
revealed at public meeting - March 2012
Construction possibly
"within 2 years" - as of Apr 2013
Public consultation - 21 and 23 Jan 2014
Preferred option expected - Sometime in
£2.25m to over £3m
depending on option chosen - as of Jan
(changed from £2.25m
- as of Sep 2012; changed from
£2.1m - as of Oct 201) |
See below |
Area Map - Google Maps
"Craigantlet" is the name commonly given to the
area of hills that sits in the rectangle bounded
by Holywood (NW), Bangor (NE), Belfast (SW),
Dundonald (S) and Newtownards (SE). Although
rural in character the roads attract huge
volumes of commuter traffic displaced from the
surrounding road network by peak time
congestion. Many of the roads, especially those
that form part of the most heavily-trafficked
B170, converge at two junctions which lie around
300 metres apart in the middle of the hills -
known locally as "Craigantlet Crossroads". The
presence of a quarry nearby, as well as lorries
attempting to avoid congestion, leads to quite a
high volume of HGV traffic for a road of this
type. This all creates heavy congestion,
tailbacks and relatively frequent accidents.
This scheme will
improve safety at the junction by upgrading two
junctions - the Ballymiscaw Road/Whinny Hill
T-junction and the Whinney Hill / Craigantlet
Road / Dunlady Road / Holywood Road staggered
crossroads. In addition, by regulating the
traffic at these points it should allow more
efficent traffic flow. This Google Maps image
shows the location:
The map below was
given to members of the public by Roads Service
in early March 2012 and showed the proposals as
they then stood. It consists of two roundabouts,
and the widening of about 300 metres of Whinney
Hill to four lane single-carriageway standard,
between the two roundabouts:
After the initial public
consultation, DRD investigated six further
options, two of which were developed further.
So as of January 2014 we still have the above
proposal - now called Option 2A. Option 2B is
a very similar design except that the
four-lane link road has been reduced in width
to three lanes. Option 3 was suggested by
local residents and diverts all the roads to a
single location which would meet at an even
larger roundabout. Option 3 is more expensive
at over £3m. Options 2A and 2B are between £2m
and £2.5m.

Option 2B, which was unveiled to the public on
21 January 2014. It features a narrower link
road [DRD Roads Service].

Option 3, which was unveiled to the public on 21
January 2014. It features a larger roundabout
and all local roads diverted to one location.
The Ballymiscaw Road/Whinney Hill T-junction
would be unmodified in this proposal. [DRD Roads
3 May 2015: In the previous update
(below) I quoted the DRD Minister as saying he
hoped to announce the preferred scheme later in
2014. This did not happen. However, it does seem
that the DRD is planning on submitting a
planning application soon since I believe
pre-application discussions are now underway
with Ards and North Down Borough Council (who
took over planning responsibility for this area
on 1 April 2015). You may recall that the DRD's
initial proposal was for two roundabouts
connected by an upgraded stretch of Whinney Hill
(see Option 2B above). Many local residents did
not like this and suggested an alternative
scheme involving a single large roundabout and a
diversion of Ballymiscaw Road, which the DRD
developed as Option 3 (above). From what I hear,
the DRD seem to have now settled on Option 3
- the single large roundabout - as their
preference, although this has not been publicly
stated. This design would be more costly as it's
more ambitious in terms of the engineering
required, but would have the advantage of having
more widespread local support and not requiring
any of these sensitive rural roads to be widened
to three or four lanes, which was a criticism of
Option 2B.
13 Oct 2014: According to a Question
for Written Answer in the Assembly the
public consultation event in January (see
previous update) generated a lot of interest. At
this event three options were shown to the
public. The Minister said "Officials have
prepared a report on the consultation, which I
will consider in detail before committing to a
decision." The question specifically asked
about timescale, and he said that "I hope to
be in a position to announce details of the
preferred scheme later this year". So I
would take that to mean that we can expect some
kind of announcement, probably the selection of
a "preferred option", before Christmas.
22 Jan 2014: I attended the first public
consultation event yesterday, although there is
a second one on Thursday 23 January (see
previous update below). Three options were on
display. Unfortunately DRD did not provide any
leaflets showing the options that visitors could
take away with them, nor is the material online.
I was told that it will be placed here
on the Planning Portal (under "Associated
Documents") "in the near future". So all I have
for now are photographs I took with my phone,
and I have included them further up this page.
The DRD representative told me that they
examined seven alternative options, including
the original option publicised in 2012 which
would have seen two roundabouts connected by a
four-lane single-carriageway link road. They
have taken three of these seven options forward
for further consideration. The original 2012
option has survived and is now called "Option
2A". After criticism that the four-lane link
road was out of scale and inappropriate in this
sensitive rural setting, they have introduced a
second option called "Option 2B". It is more or
less the same as 2A, except that the link road
has been reduce in width to three lanes. The
middle lane would switch directions half way
along to become a second lane on the approach to
the roundabouts at either end. The cost of this
option is more or less the same as Option 2A,
but it would be slightly worse in terms of
traffic flow (ie, it will be at capacity sooner,
queues are more likely to develop on the
roundabout approaches, and average speed through
the junctions will be lower). However the
scoring system they have used suggests to me
that the difference would not be that noticeable
to the average driver. The third option was one
suggested by local residents. It involves
diverting all the roads in the vicinity to a
single location at the existing crossroads, and
linking them by a very large roundabout. This
option is more expensive (over £3m compared to
£2m-2.5m for Options 2A and 2B) and would
involve very substantial earthworks since the
land would have to be built up quite far to
create a flat surface for the roundabout on this
sloping site. Photos of Option 2B and Option 3
are included further up this page. Option 2A is
the same as the 2012 option, also visible above.
The consultation was well attended and hopefully
the DRD will be able to make some headway in
finding a solution that is feasible, effective
and acceptable in this location.
7 Jan 2014: As anticipated in the
previous update, a second
public consultation about what is proposed
will take place as follows:
- Craigantlet Orange Hall, Holywood Road,
Craigantlet, Tuesday 21 January 2014 (4:30pm –
- Bangor Library, Hamilton Road, Bangor,
Thursday 23 January 2014 (4:30 – 9pm).
After this ends, the plans will remain on
display at Bangor Library until 31 January (but
without Roads Service people being present to
ask questions). Consultations like this are a
key opportunity for anyone with an interest in
the scheme to come along and express their
opinions and ask questions. It will be
interesting to see if and how the proposals
differ from those which were published in March
2012 which comprised two roundabouts connected
by a four-lane link road. However, the wording
of the press release suggests that there will be
more than one option on display which implies
that the scheme has been developed further than
was the case back in 2012.
8 Dec 2013: The DRD Minister was asked
for an update on this scheme in the Assembly on
18 November. After the initial 'public
consultation' in March 2012 there was a lot of
vocal opposition locally to what was proposed,
mainly on account of the significantly larger
scale of the upgraded road, so the DRD Minister
promised to revisit the design. This review
included taking into account alternatives
proposed by some of the residents (see update on
25 Mar 2013 below). This Minister has now said
that "We are reflecting on [the comments by
residents], and we hope that, at some stage,
most likely early in the new year, there will
be a public consultation. There still seems to
be a difference of opinion about which option
we should choose." So we are likely going
to see some further proposals from the DRD early
in 2014. His final comment is code for "lots
of people still disagree with what we're
proposing" so we shall have to wait and
see what is proposed this time round.
8 May 2013: In the last update 6 weeks
ago I quoted the minister as saying that Roads
Service's analysis of the alternative options
put forward by local residents would be
completed by the end of April. In a question and
answer session in Stormont
on 30th April, the Minister stated that the
review "should be completed within the coming
weeks" but that "Further public
consultation will be needed so that the
planning process can be concluded." He
then added that "There is a prospect that the
scheme will proceed to the construction stage
within two years, but it may take longer."
It is difficult to know how seriously to take
this timescale because many road schemes have a
"prospect" of proceeding soon, but not many
actually will, primarily due to lack of money.
Still, it is a date to note.
25 Mar 2013: In another Question
for Written Answer in Stormont from last
week, the Minister has revealed that there has
been some time slippage in their analysis of the
options put forward by residents around this
busy junction (see previous update). The
Minister explained "Whilst it was initially
anticipated this study would have been
completed by the end of January, additional
field and design work was required to assess
additional proposals put forward by the local
residents during the intervening period. It is
now expected this study will be completed by
the end of April 2013 and I can confirm that
no decisions relating to the proposed scheme
will be taken until the outcome of this study
is known." Again, these comments do not
say anything about when we can expect a further
announcement, merely saying that the assessment
of the alternative options should be completed
by April.
8 Jan 2013: A Question
for Written Answer just before Christmas
revealed that "a number of alternative
options for a road improvement scheme in
Craigantlet were put forward by residents.
These options are currently being assessed by
consultants, and this work should be completed
by the end of January 2013". This
presumably means that after all the fuss last
April, local residents have come up with
alternative suggestions that Roads Service are
now assessing. Roads Service will presumably be
assessing these suggestions against their
traffic models and the guidelines set down in
the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges
(the holy book of road construction), so any
comments they make will likely refer to things
like the technical feasibility, safety and
likely effectiveness of the proposals. The
comments do not say anything about when we can
expect a further announcement, merely saying
that the assessment of the alternative options
should be completed this month.
15 Oct 2012: A pair of Questions
for Written Answer at the end of September
gave some more information about this scheme.
Firstly, the estimated cost is currently £2.25m,
which breaks down as:
- £1.89m for construction
- £290k for alternations to utilities
- £70k for land
The answers also clarify, that the options
considered for the scheme included:
- the provision of a new through route from
the Ballysallagh Rd/Craigantlet Rd, through
agricultural land to the back of the
Craiganlet cottages, onto the Ballymiscaw Rd;
- the provision of a roundabout at each of
these two junctions, with two lanes running
between the junctions;
- the provision of a roundabout at each of
these two junctions, with three lanes running
between the junctions;
- the provision of a roundabout at each of
these two junctions, with four lanes running
between the junctions (the option chosen); and
- the provision of traffic signals (full time
or part time).
However, given recent adverse publicity, the
Minister said "I have asked officials to give
serious consideration to alternative layouts
suggested by local residents that would have
less impact on the Craigantlet cottages, and I
will consider the outcome of this work before
making any decision on the way forward".
30 July 2012: I have discovered that the
Planning Service web site contains numerous
documents related to this project, including a
full report into the plans, and a whole series
of maps (click here
and then click on "Associated Documents"). The
site also contains a list of all the objections
received to date, and a petition. There is a lot
of material here to digest. Happy delving!
22 Apr 2012: The planning application for this
scheme was apparently submitted to North
Down Borough Council as planned a few months
ago. Meanwhile, a public meeting was
organised by a local
MLA a few weeks ago, at which Roads
Service revealed their current proposals for
these two junctions. This included a map
which is reproduced above. It suggests that
the proposed upgrade consists of:
- A
conventional four-arm roundabout at the
Whinney Hill / Craigantlet Road junction.
- A conventional three-arm roundabout at the
Whinney Hill / Ballymiscaw Road junction.
- New footways along the roads.
- Widening 300 metres of Whinney Hill between
the two roundabouts to four-lane
single-carriageway standard, ie two lanes each
way separated by a dotted line.
- Restricting movements at the Whinney Hill /
Ballymoney Road junction to left-in/left-out
The first two are unsurprising, but the last
two were unexpected and have attracted much
negative publicity in the local area.
Although the description of the proposed road as
a "dual-carriageway" is quite wrong, the
underlying point seems to be that local
residents feel the widened section of road would
be inappropriate for this location. They may
well have a point - while traffic congestion
here is bad, the roundabouts ought to resolve
almost all the safety issues and help congestion
considerably. It is hard to see how maintaining
the current two lanes on Whinney Hill would have
much negative impact on this, and it would
certainly be more appropriate to such a
sensitive rural setting.
Roads Service are said to have ruled out
traffic signals as being "not in keeping with
the area". Some of the residents have asked why
traffic signals are inappropriate when a
roundabout is appropriate. The answer is that
Roads Service mean "inappropriate" from a road
safety perspective, not as a comment on how they
look. Traffic signals are almost never found on
rural roads, and hence they have great potential
to surprise drivers unfamiliar with the area,
and are hence regarded as dangerous in rural
settings. Roads Service are correct to say that
traffic signals would not be appropriate here.
With thanks to Andrew McCullough.
30 Oct 2011: According to a Question
for Written Answer in the Assembly three
weeks ago, a planning application for this
scheme is due to be submitted "in the Autumn",
and the cost is given as £2.1m. Much of this
cost is likely to be land acquisition, but the
fact that we're at a planning application stage
suggests that acquiring the land is unlikely to
be an issue. £2.1m is also too high to call this
a "minor" road improvement scheme. The Minister
concludes by noting that this scheme "remains a high
priority for Roads Service". Basically
there is no immediate plan to build these two
roundabouts, but the wording suggests it has a
higher chance than some others of going ahead
before too long.