

IMPORTANT: This is a privately run hobby web site. If you are trying to contact a government department responsible for roads, you should contact either TransportNI or your local council, rather than me.

If you wish to contact me in relation to this web site, please use the e-mail address below. I have tried to make it indeciperable to web crawling programs by replacing the @ symbol with the word 'at'. To e-mail me, copy the text but replace the word 'at' with the symbol.

I remain very humbled by the time people are willing to take e-mailing me and sending me photos. I therefore try to acknowledge people's help by name on the site. If however you don't want me to use your name on the site (perhaps you work for a contractor) please just say so and I will not use your name. This web site is much better for all the help I get from site visitors, so thank you to everyone.

roads at

I receive a lot of e-mail in relation to this site. While I am very happy to correspond with visitors, the large quantity of e-mails means that sometimes a backlog develops and it can take me a couple of weeks to reply to messages.
