Construction scheme
Contractor: Graham,
Farrans, Scott Wilson, Halcrow
upgrade the A5 by building a new high
quality dual-carriageway from the A4 at
Ballygawley to just south of Omagh |
21.3 km / 13.3
plus an additional 1.5 km / 0.9 mile
extension to the A4 at Ballygawley
For background to
scheme see
the page on the whole A5 project.
17 July 2007 - Executive decides to
proceed with plan
21 July 2009 - Preferred route announced
May, June 2011 - Public Inquiries held
9 Nov 2011 - Irish government postpones
financial contribution
14 Feb 2012 - This section broken off as
a separate scheme
Early 2012 - Outcome of Public Inquiry
to be published
Sep 2012 - Work due to begin but halted
due to legal challenge
Autumn 2016 - New public inquiry (for
entire A5 scheme)
Early 2026 - Construction planned to
begin on this stretch (as of Oct 2024)
2029 - Completion assumed (as of Oct
None as yet -
Please contact me if you have any to
contribute. |
area map - Google Maps
Whole A5
scheme - on this site
web site on whole A5 scheme
Click here to jump straight
down to updates for this scheme.
This scheme is part of the ambitious plan to
upgrade the entire 88km A5 to high quality
dual-carriageway standard from Newbuildings
(just south of Derry) to Aughnacloy. See here for
details and history. In February 2012, in a
climate of reduced finance, it was decided to
break the scheme into a number of phases and
build them over a period of years. This scheme
represents about 90% of what was originally
"Section 3", ie the section from south of Omagh
to Aughnacloy. It will follow the same design as
"Section 3", except that it will omit the final
3.5km stretch from Ballygawley to Aughnacloy.
The road will be built to dual-carriageway
standard with two lanes each way, no side accesses
and no hard shoulders. The technical term for this
standard is "Category 6". There will be just one
intermediate junction, serving Seskinore. The
strip map below shows the design of the road.
Interesting fact: The stretch from Seskinore to
Ballygawley will, at 14.6 km, be the longest
section of road without any junctions in Northern
Ireland. If you miss your turn it could mean a
29km round trip!
Junction Strip Map
Dotted lines indicate planned future extensions.
Begins as
A5 Doogary Road, Omagh
Omagh (south)
B83 Seskinore
Doogary Road
into Omagh
B?? (Current A5)
6.7 km / 4.2 miles
B46 Moylagh Road
into Seskinore
Moylagh Road |
14.6 km / 9.1 miles
A4 Annaghilla Road
towards Enniskillen
link road
into Ballygawley
towards Belfast,
link to existing A5?)
on existing A4 near Ballygawley
The road itself follows a route somewhat to the
west of the existing A5. You can see the design as
proposed by going to this link.
9 Oct 2024: This page has not been
updated for over 8 years, but I am resurrecting
it due to the announcement that this element of
the scheme is to go ahead, commencing in early
2026, a year after the stretch immediately to
the north which will run from south of Strabane
to south of Omagh. The two stretches will be
built by different contractors, but will both
meet at a single point, at Doogary, just south
of Omagh which is therefore no longer being
planned to be a temporary terminus as we thought
eight years ago. At the south end, this stretch
will terminate at a new roundabout on the A4. If
the planned future extension to Aughnacloy gets
built, it will continue from that roundabout.
Going forward to this page will be used to
follow the actual construction of this stretch.
12 Apr 2016: This page exists
specifically to follow the construction
of the A5 from Omagh to Ballygawley. A separate
and much fuller page is dedicated to
following the entire A5 scheme through the
planning and funding process. Obviously
construction never began in September 2012 as
anticipated in the previous update, due to the
legal challenge that has been exhaustively dealt
with over on the main
A5 page, so this page has sat in stasis
since then. However, an update is deserved due
to the fact that the work has got to the point
where we will probably see a new public inquiry
in autumn 2016. Construction is currently
anticipated to begin around 2019 and last two
years, though this timescale is tentative as it
depends on longer-term budgets that have not yet
been decided. The DRD have also revised the cost
of the South of Omagh to Ballygawley stretch to
£225m, a rather substantial increase of 40% on
the cost of £160m that was being quoted in 2012,
and more than can be accounted for by inflation
The DRD have now revealed an updated design
for the stretch (go to this
page, and clicking on the + sign beside
"Brochures" at the bottom and click the Brochure
for Section 3). It shows a number of minor
changes over the 2012 design, but a much more
significant change has been made to the design
of Junction 15, where the upgraded A5 will meet
the existing A4. Previously, the existing
roundabout at the end of the A4 dual-carriageway
was going to be removed and replaced with a
bridge. Traffic wishing to get to Ballygawley
would have to continue another mile along the A4
to a new roundabout west of Ballygawley where it
met the upgraded A5, and then follow a new link
road back to Ballygawley. This link road has now
been deleted, and the new plans show the
existing roundabout remaining in situ. The main
reason is that the A5 south of here will not be
upgraded in the near future (it's now on the
long finger, named Phase 3), so that roundabout
must remain for now to give access to the
existing A5. The image below illustrates the
differences between the 2012 and 2016 designs
(click for slightly larger version):

Comparison of the DRD's plans for the
Ballygawley junction between the A4 and ugpraded
A4 in 2012 (top) and 2016.
The other point is that we now know how the
temporary terminus south of Omagh will appear.
Because this stretch of the new A5 will be
built ahead of the planned bypass around
Omagh, the new dual-carriageway will halt for
now south of the town at Junction 13. I
wondered if they would build a temporary
at-grade roundabout as the terminus, but no,
it seems that they are going to confidently
build most of the grade-separated junction,
including an unused stretch of
dual-carriageway beneath. How this will look
is shown in the map below (Omagh is to the top
left, with the current A5 labelled "A5 Doogary
Road"). As I commented on another page, I
always get nervous when I see temporary
terminii built in a way that assumes a future
extension, since this has not
turned out well in the past! So lets
hope that doesn't happen this time!
31 Jul 2012: Today the scheme was approved
by the DRD Minister, having passed the Public
Inquiry. Work is now due to begin "in the
Autumn", probably September or October, so we
are probably within 3 months of commencement. It
was confirmed today that at the south end of the
scheme the existing roundabout connecting the
end of the A4 dual-carriageway to the A5 will be
retained, and not removed, as it has been
decided to postpone the final stretch to
Aughnacloy indefinitely. This is not surprising,
as it was the cheapest, and most
straightforward, solution to the problem of how
to connect the A5 towards Aughnacloy to the new
road. Thus 1.5km of the A4 will also be upgraded
to dual-carriageway. However, there is still no
information about how the north (Omagh) end of
this scheme will end, ie what we call "Junction
13" in the strip map above. There was a lot of
debate at the Public Inquiry about the precise
route of the road at this point, but Roads
Service have decided that the route they have
selected is still be best option. This will
hopefully be revealed in due course, as a
decision must have either been taken already, or
will have to be taken soon.
20 Feb 2012: This
scheme came ino existence last Tuesday,
following a major funding announcement.
The Public Inquiry process is not yet concluded,
but the Minister estimates that work could begin
in September or October 2012 if it passes this
hurdle. Construction is likely to take between 2
and 3 years. The total cost of £160m is an
estimate, and may change as the scheme proceeds.
It is somewhat surprising that this part of the
A5 is to go ahead, given that this stretch is
today one of the best sections of the A5. The
Omagh Bypass section to the north would be more
justifiable on traffic grounds as it represents
a much more significant delay to motorists. The
thinking may be that starting at either end of
the A5 will ensure there is the political will
to "fill in the gap" in years to come. I would
also say that it is no surprise that the
Ballygawley to Aughnacloy section is not being
built now - on traffic grounds, it is hard to
justify, particularly given the fact that there
are no plans to upgrade the N2 on the Irish side
of the border.