Construction scheme
(future) |
widen the A2 Buncrana Road, Derry, to
four lanes between Pennyburn Roundabout
and the County Donegal border |
4.5 km / 2.8 miles
2005 - Proposed in
Regional Strategic Transport Network
Transport Plan
Apr 2007 - First
public consultation
1-3 Apr 2008 - Second
public consultation
10 Feb 2009 -
Preferred route announced (online
8 May 2018 - Third
public consultation
8 Mar 2019 - Fourth public consultation
Public inquiry - 2020/21 (as of Mar
Construction in
period 2022/23 to 2025/26 as of Mar 2019
(Changed from 2013-2018 as of Dec
Work on scheme paused pending
development of the Northwest Transport
Plan - 5 Apr 2023
£85m (as of 2022)
from £45m-£60m as of April 2010;
£40-50m as of Jan 2009; £18.3m as of
See below. |
here to jump straight down to updates
for this scheme.
The A2 Buncrana Road is the principal route
west from Derry towards Letterkenny and county
Donegal. The project distinguishes between the
3.1km "urban" section between Pennyburn
Roundabout and the A515 Skeoge Link, and the
1.4km "rural" section between the Skeoge Link
and the border. The road is heavily trafficked
(20,000 vehicles per day on the urban section,
14,000 per day on the rural section) and
congested because it only has one lane in each
This scheme aims to
increase capacity by widening the route to four
lanes: two in each direction. Due to land
restraints, the urban section will be
single-carriageway (ie, just a white line in the
middle) but it is uncertain whether the rural
section will be a dual-carriageway (ie, with a
central crash barrier) or a single-carriageway.
The plan is to include another new roundabout a
few hundred metres inside the border. The
screenshot below (Google Earth) shows the scope
of the upgrade:
Roads Service are treating this
project as two separate projects, one for the
urban stretch and one for the rural stretch. It
is uncertain whether Donegal County Council will
be upgrading the N13 towards Letterkenny on the
Irish side of the border.
At the first public exhibition in
April 2007, Roads Service presented several
routes for the urban section. In February 2009
the preferred route as announced - an online
upgrade of the existing road. It's unclear what
effect it will have on properties.
6 Apr 2023: Followers of this scheme may
recall that the publication of the draft design
back in 2019 (see below) got a rather muted
response. Although the design is similar to that
used at Greenisland
ten years ago, public opinion in recent years
has shifted towards a greater emphasis on the
needs of pedestrians and other non-motorised
users. Last year the DFI Minister hinted that
the appropriateness of the design was causing
some pause at DFI by commenting that the design
was being looked at to "ensure that it is
appropriate and the project is future-proofed".
Simultaneous to all this, over the past couple
of years or so, work has been underway on a new
Regional Transport Strategy (there has been none
since the last one expired in 2015). Work is
also underway on local transport plans,
including one for the Derry area (The Northwest
Transport Plan). None of these have been
published yet (and we don't have a firm
timescale), but it is likely that these plans
will have a lot to say about transport within
urban areas like Derry. These plans are expected
(in DFI's words) to "set the new future
direction of transport policy and investment
enabling the reduced vehicle trips travelled
and modal shift required to ensure that we
address our climate change obligations under
the Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022".
DFI yesterday
said that they were pausing further work
on this scheme until these plans are more fully
developed. Publishing this the day before the A6
opens is probably an attempt to take attention
off bad news, but I do think it is a defensible
decision. If DFI proceeded with a plan to
convert the Buncrana Road into an urban
dual-carriageway, and then the Northwest
Transport Plan was published with a completely
different approach to managing traffic in the
city, then the scheme would be put in a very
awkward position. The need for good connections
to Donegal is, nonetheless, important so the NW
Transport Plan will need to address this in some
way, even if it's not by way of the scheme
proposed in 2019.
24 Aug 2022: Nothing new has happened
publicly on this scheme since 2019. However, the
DFI Minister was asked about it via a Written
Question last month. The answer did not
say much in terms of timescale or what exactly
is happening, but it did give a "preliminary
estimated cost" of £85m, which is good to know
as the last cost I had seen dated from 2010
before the current design was released. It did
also say that DFI engineers are "currently
finalising the design to ensure that it is
appropriate and the project is future-proofed".
This may refer to the lukewarm reception that
the 2019 plan received - basically a
Greenisland-style urban dual-carriageway
festooned with roundabouts. I am a fan of the
Greenisland design from a safety point of view,
though it is also true that it's not great as an
urban streetscape so this may be being taken
into account.
12 Jun 2020: The DFI Minister announced
her budget
for the next year, which allocated money to the
Executive's flagship projects (A5, A6 and
Belfast Transport Hub) but did not give any
funding for any other capital road schemes,
including the Buncrana Road (it is believed that
the Derry City Deal may provide the funding, but
I have still not seen that confirmed anywhere).
However she followed this up today with a press
release clarifying that she had approved
funding for the continuation of planning of
several planned road schemes, including the A2
Buncrana Road. So that indicates that work will
at least continue and that the Minister is
supportive of the scheme.
26 Jun 2019: DFI Roads held a public
consultation (the fourth for this scheme) on 8
March. You can see the panels that were on
display here
and also the leaflet that was given out here.
The design, which you can see by clicking the
thumbnail image below, is similar to the design
first proposed in May 2018 but with a few
tweaks. These tweaks are highlighted in yellow
on the map below, but the most significant are
(a) the removal of the roundabout on Coshquin
Road and its replacement with a regular
T-junction (b) a completely different road
layout at the Springtown Road junction and (c)
the roundabout on Culmore Road reduced
significantly in size, with the fifth arm
leading into Fort George deleted. The new design
also shows the demolition of an existing
industrial building in the Springtown Industrial

Click on the graphic above for a more detailed
design as of Mar 2019.
All told the scheme has six roundabouts on the
3 mile stretch shown. The design will be an
"urban dual-carriageway" at the city end,
changing to a "rural dual-carriageway" at the
Donegal border end. DFI have released
visualisations to show the difference, shown
below. The document anticipates publication of
the draft legal orders in 2020, a public
inquiry by 2021 and construction between
2022/23 and 2025/26. This is a very specific
timeline for DFI - these days they are usually
much more vague - which suggests that they
foresee this scheme actually happening in the
next five or six years. This may be related to
the fact that this scheme was included in the
bid for the Derry-Strabane
City Deal which received
funding last month. I have yet to see it
confirmed, however, that the financial support
for the City Deal includes funding for this
scheme and, if so, on what timescale.

Visualisation of an urban section of the
upgraded Buncrana Road as seen from
Pennyburn roundabout. Note the continuous
central reservation which will prevent right
turns at anywhere except roundabouts. [DFI

Visualisation of a rural section of the
upgraded Buncrana Road at Bannview, looking
towards the Donegal border. On this section
there will be a continuous safety barrier in
the central reservation. [DFI 2019]
6 Mar 2019: DFI Roads approved the
preferred design for this scheme during February
(almost certainly the roundabout-laden
Greeinsland-style design outlined in the
previous update below) and this is now going to
be presented to the public at an event on
Tuesday, 26 March 2019. It will held from
11:00am to 9:00pm at Da Vinci’s Hotel, 15
Culmore Road, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 8JB. The
next stage of the project would be to produce
draft legal orders and then move to a public
inquiry. There is currently no funding
allocation for construction of the scheme, nor
is there likely to be in the next year or two,
but the public consultation event in 2018
anticipated construction between 2022/23 and
24 May 2018: DFI held a public
consultation event two weeks ago. Before
the event I tweeted "expect roundabouts", and
that is exactly what we have got! In keeping
with how DFI thinking on urban dual-carriageways
has evolved in the past ten years, the scheme is
now what I call the "Greenisland" design (after
the first
of its type, opened in 2015) ie a
continuous central barrier, left-turns-only, and
lots of roundabouts at major junctions and to
permit u-turns. This contrasts markedly from the
previous design that dates from 2008 which was
to have been a four lane single-carriageway. An
urban dual-carriageway will have a larger land
take, due to the extra space needed for both the
central barrier and all the roundabouts, but it
is much safer. The result is the number of
roundabouts on the route rising from the current
three (Pennyburn, Branch and Skeoge) to six
(adding Racecourse Road, Springtown Road and
Elagh), ie about one every half mile on average.
The presentation also gives an estimated
"delivery date" (ie, construction) of "2022/23
to 2025/26" which clearly assumes finance will
be made available within the next few years.
Click on the graphic below for a more detailed
design, which I've reproduced in case the DFI
web site changes.

Click on the graphic above for a
more detailed design as of May 2018. This is a
copy from the fifth PDF here.
21 Apr 2018: Out of the blue, DFI have
announced that a public consultation into this
scheme on Tuesday 8th May 2018, 11am-9pm at Da
Vinci’s Hotel, 15 Culmore Road,
Derry/Londonderry, BT48 8JB. The exhibition will
"display and summarise the work carried out so
far, provide details of the emerging design and
outline the next steps in the development of the
scheme". Given that the preferred route was
announced almost ten years ago, and that little
or no more work happened until last summer, this
may be an attempt to "reboot" the whole process.
Attitudes to urban road building have changed
noticeably in the past ten years, so it seems
sensible to talk to the public again at this
stage. I would encourage anyone with an interest
in the scheme, any users of the road and any
local public representatives to go to the event
and make their views known.
10 Jul 2017: In my last update 8 months
ago (see below) I noted that what was then
TransportNI (now DFI Roads - another
name change!) were going to appoint a consultant
to progress the development of this scheme and
according to a report in the Derry
Journal we have confirmation that that has
indeed happened. The plan still seems to be an
upgrade of the whole stretch from Pennyburn
Roundabout to the border, presumably
dual-carriageway from the Skeoge Link to the
border but otherwise four lane
single-carriageway. The DFI spokesperson quoted
added that "It is anticipated that the Draft
Statutory Orders could be published in 2019
which is likely to lead to a public inquiry".
The "draft statutory orders" can only be
produced once there's a finalised design, so to
achieve that DFI would need to actively carry
out design work over the next couple of years.
It seems likely to me that the design work will
be re-done since it's almost ten years since the
previous "preferred route" was announced back in
2009 and both the traffic situation and road
design policy have evolved since then. I get the
impression that this scheme is moving its way up
the priority queue.
14 Nov 2016: Nothing has happened on
this scheme for almost eight years. The last
development was the announcement of the
preferred route in February 2009, an online
upgrade. The Minister's has commented on the
scheme in response to a Written
Question (AQW 243/16-21) last week. He
said that "I am delighted to confirm that, as
part of the Stimulus Package Funding announced
last month, I have secured funding as to
resume the development work on the Buncrana
Road improvement scheme" (though note that
this is the second time work has "resumed" in
the past three years; see previous update). He
went on to say "I expect that my Department
will appoint an engineering consultant to
assist with the development of the scheme in
the coming weeks." This is a more concrete
development. He then went on to say "The next
step in the development process will be to
complete the preliminary design work,
including reviewing the junction strategy. On
completion of the preliminary design works the
Department will publish the draft statutory
orders and Environmental Statement which will
be subject to a public consultation".
Given that it's been almost 8 years since the
preferred route was announced, and that public
opinion on large-scale urban road widening has
changed perceptively even in that timeframe, my
feeling is that TransportNI may decide to go
back to first principles and re-visit the
preferred route. It could be that an online
widening of Buncrana Road to a four lane
single-carriageway may no longer be the most
appropriate option. The comment about "junction
strategy" is interesting - the 2009 preferred
route analysis showed that the junctions on the
upgraded road could actually be less safe than
on the current road, so that's a significant
point. The fact that the Minister has pushed
this scheme back out of the slush pile
reinforces the strong impression that he very
much favours road schemes in the North West.
8 Dec 2013: It has been over three years
since my last update, because practically
nothing has happened on this scheme since the
preferred route was announced in February 2009.
However, in their
most recent report to Derry City Council
(2 Dec 2013), the DRD provide an update. In this
they say that "work has recently resumed to
complete the preliminary design and assessment
of the scheme" although adding that "there
are no plans to proceed to publication draft
statutory orders." This means that while
they've resumed work on the design they don't
intend to proceed to a public inquiry any time
soon (this is what the 'draft statutory orders'
are for). This suggests that DRD does not regard
this scheme is a high priority, because the
public inquiry process and its follow-up can
take about two years, and is required before a
project can proceed to construction. Therefore I
would not expect to see this scheme being
constructed within the next 5 years, and
possibly longer.
2 May 2010: Nothing new has
been published about the scheme since last year.
However, the cost being given from the scheme
has been revised up from £40m-50m to the range
12 Feb 2009: Two days ago the
Regional Development Minister announced the
preferred route for the scheme. The planners
have opted for an online upgrade of the entire
route. Pennyburn to Skeoge will be widened to a
four lane single-carriageway (two lanes each way
separated by a white line). Skeoge to the border
will be widened to a dual-carriageway (two lanes
each way separated by a barrier). The exact
effect this will have on properties is unclear -
it may just require land acquisition, but may
also require some buildings to be demolished as
well. This
BBC article outlines some of the concerns
that residents had after this announcement.
2 Jan 2009: According to a written
answer in the Assembly, the cost of the
scheme has risen sharply from its 2005 estimate
of £18.3m to an "indicative budget of £40-50m".
The information confirms that the scheme is
still anticipated to get underway in the 5-10
year timescale.
16 Nov 2008: Roads Service
have published
a leaflet on the scheme. It confirms the
timescale of the project (within 5-10 years) and
comments that the preferred route is due to be
announced in early 2009. It also includes a map
showing that the main question mark on the route
is whether to pass to the north or the south of
Springtown Industrial Estate. The leaflet also
says that the traffic flows on the urban section
are now about 20,000 vehicles per day.
18 Mar 2008: A
second public consultation exercise will
take place on 1, 2 and 3 April 2008. The
consultations will take place at Ramada Da
Vinci's Hotel, Derry from 5pm to 9pm on 1 April,
from 10am to 9pm on 2 April and from 10am to 5pm
on 3 April. A public meeting will then take
place from 7pm to 9pm on 3 April. All interested
parties should be encouraged to participate as
this is their main opportunity to air concerns
and make comments.

The view north west
along Buncrana Road from Upper Galliagh Road in
2004. [Wesley Johnston]

view north west along A2 Buncrana Road at Enagh,
just a few hundred metres inside Northern
Ireland, in 2004. [Wesley Johnston]